Beta Version Release

This is most likely the final major update I will do for this game as it is; due to various reasons such as changing engine and other personal projects, however the concept of this game is not dead and I will look to continue on with it in the future. I thank everyone who played and followed the game throughout its development, and I hope you enjoy this update.


-All new desert map "Kathban Dunes" (Can travel to old map (Nabati Valley) by travelling through the blue arrow on the map)

-Changed render pipeline from HDRP to URP (more compatibility!)

-New improved attachment system for all weapons (sights, barrels, muzzles, underbarrels, magazines, stocks, accessories)

-New weapon M4A1 and revamped AK & Makarov

-Bounty system changes and new destroy Antenna Tower bounty

-New fist and machete melees with new execution animations and camera animation support for them

-Experimental gun execution animations

-New throwable frag grenade and throwing knife

-Left hand specific interaction and equipment animations

-Weight system from weapons and equipment affecting player's move speed

-Improved slide mechanics

-New NPC base model

-New and improved vehicle controller

-New Quadbike vehicle

-New shop UI and can now trade money for rations and vice versa

-New rare blood diamond and food can loot items

-Added reload and rechambering continuation for most weapons

-New TDM sidemode "Skirmishes" (Also removed battlefields)

-Volume added to options menu + can open options in game

-Added freelook mechanic

-Lose inventory on death mechanic (can be toggled in gameplay options)

-Location and loot spawning improvements and optimisations

-New mortar support reinforcement + increased general reinforcement prices

-New wrist watch glove item

-Added ???


-Ingame HUD changes

-Weapon sway and more realistic weapon recoil + weapon shot reverb

-Ejected bullet casings have sounds

-Added animation when opening backpack

-Scaling & Rotational variety applied to decals such as bullet holes and blood splatters

-Added a light to the map to improve nighttime visibility

-Can toggle flashlight on and off with T

-Footstep audio and vfx affected by material they take place on

-Changed low health effect and medkits no longer fully restore health

-Added priming distance for explosive launchers

-And more

Files 142 MB
Oct 30, 2023

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I know that frag is g, but what key is throwing knife?

same as frag, just have to select it in the backpack first

Okie, How do I use the Holster?

What a pity......but I will support your games forever.