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(1 edit)

Ok... So you/player character are a bandit?

Your character is Mr. Krabs

I can't use the HEAL kits!

This is so difficult that I could say it is impossible.

press CTRL to use them, if it doesn't work then you have none

I apologise for all the haughty comments. One thing I would like to see would be different firing methods for the RPG-7. The RPG-7 is held/fired like a mobile mortar, so to shoot forwards you have to lean forwards.

you can ads to shoot the rpg straight

When will the next update come out?


Very good game, very much like a pixel version of Escape from Takoff. But I wanted to be able to include things like body armor, adrenaline, quick-dial gun clips, and bulletproof helmets. There's also hope to add terrain destruction and add more maps, as well as more weapons, vehicles, and tutorials. By the way, there is a bug in the machete view animation!

and there is one other thing its not that big of a deal but putting weapons in stashes and leaving and joining again resets whats inside

great game 2 problems though sometimes the enemies inside cars look silly because the wheels glitch into the floor its not that big of a problem but the next problem is, if you jump right after getting out of a car you go flying...



can you add more graphic settings? my pc cant handle it with the standart graphic


There's a potato graphics setting if that helps


imagine this bomb on mobil

Looks like unturned difference or something, Nice game, i like it

if you dont have grenade, but you can throw it. Anywhere throw. spam spam spam!

use guns : no

Spam mouse whill : hell yes

cool update, hope u doign great LieonNoob, have a good week


thank you, have a good week too


great game, want to see better AI, night vision, and more missions. Keep up the good work!

thank you, those ideas sound great

next update?

currently busy with other things :)

great game, how is development goin?

more people should talk about your game

thanks, currently busy with other things

good game


epic work my guy


Fackin ell kant

Hello, we had another QA test with  students, here are bug reports from 0.91

oh nice, thank you very much

Weapons jam A LOT. Reduce it please

should be reduced a bit in the next update, thanks for the feedback

hello, I tried running this game on Windows 10 and it keeps closing when i try to open it. any way to fix this?


Hey, sorry for the late response. This is a known issue especially for low end hardware most likely because I used Unity's HDRP for Version 0.9. Would it be ok if you posted your specs? Should hopefully be fixed in the next update, thanks.


CPU: Intel Pentium G2020

GPU: ATI Radio 5400 Series


OS: Windows 10

thanks, appreciate it

Hi just wanted to say, really good game and the fact that its free is great. Not sure if this was mentioned but a truck exploded during the animation for opening it. now i'm invincible cant look down far enough to kill people and so short i cant see while driving. Keep up the good work and hope you keep developing it!


(1 edit)

Dude!!! Sick game! can you add like a final boss? that would be awesome!

happy you enjoy the game. maybe something like a main boss could be added eventually

its a very good game ngl. but is there a way to reset the (insert something to do with the save system idk what its called) that I start with the pistol again like I just downloaded the game for the first time?

yeah if you go to the options there is a button called wipe all data

I love this game! It's clearly smartly made, and it's pretty stable for an alpha game. I love the mechanics, and I'm excited to see it being updated. The Mac version (which I play on) is really badly optimized, but it's impressive one exists. The car mechanics are a bit floaty and strange, but it's otherwise without any design level flaws. I'm aware that there is a way to get and use healing items, but I still haven't figured it out yet. I've been playing for like a month now, and I'm trying to recommend it to people searching for an awesome indie game. I hope to see this fleshed out more as time goes on!

Thanks alot man, really appreciate it! Yeah i'm aware that performance and the vehicle handling aren't the best, although i am wanting to improve upon those things eventually. As for healing you press Left Control (probably command for mac) to cycle between syringe healing and basic healing. Also if you don't mind me asking, what type of Mac do you use? Because for a few people the mac version straight up doesnt work lol. Thanks again.

I'm using a 2017 MacBook running MacOS Monterey 12.1 with 1.2 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core (M3) and Intel HD Graphics.

gun swaying is too much

Hold shift while ads to reduce the sway


when i load in its a black screen with riverside town at the top but layered multiple times pls fix this i really wanna play this game

yea it’s a known bug

Please give more option for the graphics

is a poligon game bro

My pc is not that good, sadly

I really appreciate this game even though there are performance constraints in the game


Honestly the game is great! All systems are working quite well, the enemies are challenging, the animations are smooth, I really love the elimation scenes! Game reminds me of Unturned and Far Cry. All I have to say though is to add help with visibility of the map at night.

Great game!

I applaud your ambition man. The ingame systems work quite well together and i dig the FC2 aesthetic. I can only say that the weapon sounds are a little to weak and barebones, otherwise good job.


Could you please add an option between windowed and fullscreen? Really wanted to play it but fullscreen doesn't work well on my computer.


yeah I can work on more options

the game wont really let me see anything' its pitch black and i can still go the pause menu and it says that im in a town so its pretty weird and wont let me play

Is your brightness or something just really low lol? Because the game starts off at nighttime. Also can you hear footstep sounds and stuff if you try moving around? Weird that you would be able to get past the menu and into the town if you had the black screen bug (usually people would get stuck by main menu)

not the brightness cause it showed up that im in the town its just the screen the gui showed
also when i looked straight up i could some what see, dk why its like that.

hmm could you send your specs please?

Yeah it happen to me too.. I couldn't play it

could you post your specs please?

The game is great!  I enjoyed the different playstyles and open world kind of gameplay.  The only problem I had so far is just reading the map at night.  It's hard to see the markings and the arrow direction of where my character is facing.  Other than that, keep up the good work!

thanks! yeah nighttime and the map still need some tweaking

How do you get gun attachments and equipment? 

Go to the weapon shop and instead of pressing E, press T with a weapon equipped to customise it. Equipment arent in the game yet


Also, how do you use the bipod attachment?  I'm not sure what it does and I thought it would stabilize the scope or something

oh, sorry for the late reply but the bipod basically reduces firing recoil only while crouched

Gives me Unturned vibes based on the graphics. Very cool 👍


i absoluelty love the concept and the game itself, but the AI is really hard. Do you think theres ever going to be a difficulty setting?

yeah i could add an ai difficulty option in the future

hello, I'm from Ukraine, and I want to say that I really liked the game, and it reminds me of Far Cry 2 in terms of treatment animation and atmosphere. I dream that they would add a plot and thanks for the fact that this game is free))

glad you enjoy the game

Reminds me of a single-player Unturned. Is there a campaign planned, or is it more sandbox?

Well the main campaign is gonna be a sort of non-linear story that's mainly just there to compliment the sandbox gameplay, still just working on gameplay mechanics atm. I am also thinking of making a short, more survival focused additional mode though.

I downloaded it on the app and through the site, it didnt work on the app so i thought it was the app and the site download didnt work too, it opens, shows Unity logo and after a minute of a black screen closes. (Latest version) The game descripiton and features look very interesting and i really want to try the game.

Hey sorry to hear that, could you tell me what your specs are and check if your graphics drivers are updated? Thanks. Still trying to work out what is causing this.

Processor: AMD A4-9125 RADEON R3, 4 COMPUTE CORES 2C+2G      2.30 GHz

RAM installed 4,00 GB (3,89 GB available)

64 bit Windows 10

i have a laptop so its slow but i play similar games fine, i hope this helps.

it keeps closing

Hey sorry to hear that, could you tell me what your specs are and check if your graphics drivers are updated? Thanks. Still trying to work out what is causing this.

I can't click the options buttons to see the controls,i download the V0.9 for windows.Can you tell me how?Btw how do we unlock weapons

You have to click the options while in the main menu, haven't added it to the pause menu yet. You unlock weapons by opening loot crates found in outposts or convoys

oh okay thanks,great game btw in very addicted

btw i can't buy equipment in the gun shop,do i need to do something or it just hasn't released yet

equipment hasnt been added to the game yet

yo can u fix it when i try to open it it closes after showing a loading thing

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