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The game is great!  I enjoyed the different playstyles and open world kind of gameplay.  The only problem I had so far is just reading the map at night.  It's hard to see the markings and the arrow direction of where my character is facing.  Other than that, keep up the good work!

thanks! yeah nighttime and the map still need some tweaking

How do you get gun attachments and equipment? 

Go to the weapon shop and instead of pressing E, press T with a weapon equipped to customise it. Equipment arent in the game yet


Also, how do you use the bipod attachment?  I'm not sure what it does and I thought it would stabilize the scope or something

oh, sorry for the late reply but the bipod basically reduces firing recoil only while crouched

Gives me Unturned vibes based on the graphics. Very cool 👍


i absoluelty love the concept and the game itself, but the AI is really hard. Do you think theres ever going to be a difficulty setting?

yeah i could add an ai difficulty option in the future

hello, I'm from Ukraine, and I want to say that I really liked the game, and it reminds me of Far Cry 2 in terms of treatment animation and atmosphere. I dream that they would add a plot and thanks for the fact that this game is free))

glad you enjoy the game

Reminds me of a single-player Unturned. Is there a campaign planned, or is it more sandbox?

Well the main campaign is gonna be a sort of non-linear story that's mainly just there to compliment the sandbox gameplay, still just working on gameplay mechanics atm. I am also thinking of making a short, more survival focused additional mode though.

I downloaded it on the app and through the site, it didnt work on the app so i thought it was the app and the site download didnt work too, it opens, shows Unity logo and after a minute of a black screen closes. (Latest version) The game descripiton and features look very interesting and i really want to try the game.

Hey sorry to hear that, could you tell me what your specs are and check if your graphics drivers are updated? Thanks. Still trying to work out what is causing this.

Processor: AMD A4-9125 RADEON R3, 4 COMPUTE CORES 2C+2G      2.30 GHz

RAM installed 4,00 GB (3,89 GB available)

64 bit Windows 10

i have a laptop so its slow but i play similar games fine, i hope this helps.

it keeps closing

Hey sorry to hear that, could you tell me what your specs are and check if your graphics drivers are updated? Thanks. Still trying to work out what is causing this.

I can't click the options buttons to see the controls,i download the V0.9 for windows.Can you tell me how?Btw how do we unlock weapons

You have to click the options while in the main menu, haven't added it to the pause menu yet. You unlock weapons by opening loot crates found in outposts or convoys

oh okay thanks,great game btw in very addicted

btw i can't buy equipment in the gun shop,do i need to do something or it just hasn't released yet

equipment hasnt been added to the game yet

yo can u fix it when i try to open it it closes after showing a loading thing

Rating 10/10 stars for this game. I like the minecraft style :D


I'm loving how this game is turning out, I'm excited to see how far it goes!


when unzip the file and open the game I get approached by this alert. I even copy the contents and make a new file and do the .app. How do I fix this?

just use the terminal and first go to the contents open macOs and drag the file inside it and put it on your desktop then go to your terminal then type first cd then type chmod +x then  the file will change into a terminal then drag it back to the macOs file inside the contents

hopefully what polarcap said works because im not too familiar with macs lol

I didn't know what to do at first but that's my own fault once I figured it out I really enjoyed this game I'll check back in a couple of updates keep up the amazing work!


No problem

(1 edit)

-some enemies spawn in rocks (killing u eventually and u cant do any thing about it

-an enemy spawned who was invincible (dumped a whole groza mag in his head and didnt die)

-sometimes couldnt get in a car but it was fixed by going to main menu and back

thanks, ill definitely look into these

Enjoyed Playing The Game Bruu! 10/10 👵


The game v0.9 isn't running, the screen is black.

do you get a splash screen of any sorts when you first launch or is it instantly a black screen?

It's happening when I first launched.

So, yeah.. I get a splash screen.

the game v0.9 don't run correctly. The screen 3d is always black.

(1 edit)

hi, are you running the mac or windows version?

i running on windows version

do you get a splash screen of any sorts when you first launch or is it instantly a black screen?

I get splash screen

Epicer updater i am the ultimate director videor editor

Didn't expect this too be this well made gameplay-wise. It's fun! Love the Far Cry esque world with its unique spin on it. Can't wait for more of this!


man, I created an account for comment this game, and man... THIS IS COOOLL BRO, literally a good idea for a game dude, it has its bugs but its amazing, animations, stealth and mechanics very good used, thank you for share this experience or well game, I hope you keep uploading or making updates, 

pd: don't listen to the haters


Thanks, glad you enjoy the game. I'm working on a new update which should hopefully come out before the end of this month

(2 edits)

I even liked the game but the knife animation how to kill the enemy and also the healing animation is the same as Far Cr

yes, alot of things are inspired by far cry


Hello, I liked this game even with its quirks and bugs, it could honestly pass as eurojank. That being said, I like the concept of the game (STALKER-like?) and it was fun to play and mess around with the ai. Gunplay was good. Only thing i had a problem with was the lack of general direction on what to do, although i figured it out after a while. Really fun game, waiting for future updates :)


The first time I played this game, I hated it. This was probably a year back, when this game was barely being made, and I thought I would never play it again. Then, I saw that it had and update, and let's just say, it's a whole nother relationship.

Also I have no idea how to read the map.

Lol, glad you enjoy it now. You equip the map with Tab and then you can focus on it with right click. Though i understand it can be hard to see especially at night time.

Nah man, I know how to do that, but how do I know WHERE I am on the map?

Ah, my bad. The player is represented by like the white circle with a black arrow and dot in the middle. The locations/outposts are represented by the pin icon

Oh. Thanks for that. Your game has a lot of potential, and I can't wait to see more.

hey before downloading this can you tell me is there team members that will join us on the battle? if there is not can u make a 4v4 or something anyways thank you i will download now

Yes there are friendly ai team-mates that spawn in the battle zones. You can also spawn a small squad of them from the weapon grid, though im working on improving how that works. Hope you enjoy

I really enjoyed its very fun but i found a tiny mistake when i get my health low i went near a medikit i jumped on it pressed e nothing worked idk if it is me tho

Apologies for the late reply, your medkit issue is probably because you're already carrying the maximum amount. Press left control to cycle through the healing.

So many bugs that ruin the gameplay. But it's a really good game after the fixes.

thanks, i am trying to polish the game

Hello, we did QA test with TREDU students, here are bugs spotted in v 0.8

Oh wow, thank you very much for the testing and feedback :)

love the aspect of the game. Only thing I would recommend is to reduce the weapon sway a little. Keep it up

Thanks! by weapon sway do you mean recoil? If so you can buy a recoil grip on some weapons to help reduce it - or if you mean by how it shakes when ads, you can hold shift to steady the aim if you are standing still.

No the recoil is fine. When aiming down the scope the weapon sways vertical a little to much. And great weapon models. Are you going to add more weapons?

Thanks, yes there is a whole list of weapons planned for the game. And for the weapon sway as I said before you can hold shift while standing still to steady the aim. Glad you enjoy the game btw :)

ok thanks. Keep up the great work. 

Pretty nice game, keep up

thank you

you're welcome

hi i didnt know that i will have soo much fun but i will give u suggestions like add big outposts there are only 2 and the hud is so bad and the game is not optimized and there isn t alot of options for the graphics like i play with between 30-40 fps and the game looks like minecraft and the sounds and the running sound is not realistic i mean it is bad and the map is so small and maybe add level system and add sound when i get headshot and add massage when i kill someone and add missions and THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO ADD MULTIPLAYER atleast make it to play with friends it will be so much fun with friends and my specs are       nvidia 820m(1vram) corei3(1.70h) 4gbram

Too buggy!


Hi, the game's in alpha for a reason :) If you wouldn't mind, could you specify what bugs exactly you are encountering? Additionally, in the discord server there is a dedicated bug reporting channel as well as a list of known bugs, thanks for playing!



Cringe game


nice FPS animations (blocky hands notwithstanding of course) , better than u expect. Nice 2 c in ur youtube chanël that u r also working in warbox.

anyway very nice lil game, keep up

thank you :)

more people should try this


Very nice

Thank you!

Cool game, not gonna lie. The car sounds weird, still. It's not smooth...anyway, overall it looks nice.

Thanks! Of course sounds aren't going to be the AAA quality but sometime in the future I may revamp the car one :)

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